Foreign data center (exempt from filing)
Domestic data center
Choose from thousands of templates
Mobile website
Unlimited number of self built pages
Layout within 8 pages (including the homepage)
Excluding designer design homepage
Excluding semi customized items
Gift 1 English. com domain name
Space 15G
Monthly audio and video traffic of 400G
Upload 7000 files
16 domain name bindings
7x12 after-sales customer service
First time helping clients modify their website
Guide page modification and self creation
Continuous upgrade and iteration of the system
Foreign data center (exempt from filing)
Domestic data center
Choose from thousands of templates
Mobile website
Unlimited number of self built pages
Layout within 15 pages (including the homepage)
Designer Design Homepage
Includes semi customized
Gift 1 English. com domain name
Space 50G
Monthly audio and video traffic of 400G
Upload 15000 files
58 domain name bindings
7x12 after-sales customer service
First time helping clients modify their website
Guide page modification and self creation
Continuous upgrade and iteration of the system
Foreign data center (exempt from filing)
Domestic data center
Choose from thousands of templates
Mobile website
Unlimited number of self built pages
Layout within 15 pages (including the homepage)
Designer Design Homepage
Includes semi customized
Gift 1 English. com domain name
Space 100G
Monthly audio and video traffic of 500g
Upload 60000 files
60 domain name bindings
7x12 after-sales customer service
First time helping clients modify their website
Guide page modification and self creation
Continuous upgrade and iteration of the system
Please organize the editable text materials according to the requirements and we will help you add them. The content includes: up to 20 products or cases, 10 article lists, company introductions, contact information, and other single page column contents. More products, news, cases, and other page turning display content can be added in the background by oneself.
Use template layout styles to create pages: both standard and advanced types should have no more than 15 pages; The basic model uses template pages to guide users in modifying and creating their own.
Special Reminder: The proxy page production service only involves copying and reusing existing template page layouts, and does not include creative design fees. If you need creative design for images or pages, please contact our customer service for a quote.
© 2021 Shanghai Moen Network Technology Co., Ltd. Baoshan Branch All rights reserved. Record number: Shanghai ICP No. 07024853-9